Public transport adventures – Part II

Now was the time to take my leave of the garden of Eden and get back to the city. Up the brujitas to Córdoba again. And the bus to Cali. Except there were no buses. Or, rather, no free seat on any of the buses passing by. There is no bus station in Córdoba and…

About trusting people you’ve just met

In Cali, I was staying with Milton, a University teacher in education sciences I had hosted in Brussels about two years ago. It is funny to see how quickly you can establish a trust relationship with someone and make it last over time and distance, without even being in contact that often. We are taught…

Don’t go chasing waterfalls

As I was queuing to check in for my flight to Iguazú at the airport of Salta, the lady standing next to me suddenly awakened me from my reverie by asking me “Ben je Nederlands?” – “Are you Dutch?” My instinctive reaction was to answer “No, I’m not”. But then felt the need to add…